Sunday, August 3, 2008


Ariel and Chris have a dog, Gretchen and Stephen have boys... we have fish.
These are our two goldfish. "Seabass" (gray) and "Frank" (gold). There was a third fish, "Goldilocks," but she died yesterday from toilet complications. These are not the first goldfish we have had. They are numbers 5 and 6. Goldfish are cheap... and not very resilient.

I had once heard that goldfish have 3 second memories. As it turns out this is not the case. I learned this on wikipedia. Goldfish can actually remember for as long as four months and can recognize specific faces. They also have personalities. Frank, for instance is a bit of a bully. He chases the others around the bowl and tries to bite his tail off. Seabass is a strange one. While the other two swarm for food, Seabass will calmly sit and stare at you with a look that says "I know what you're up to." When he finally gets around to eating the food he stuffs himself but then quickly spits it out. On other occasions, like right now, he swims non-stop laps around the bowl, interrupted by brief visits to the front of the glass to check if you are watching.

Strange fish we have here. Who knows how much longer they will last.


Mike said...

Hey guys! Good job on the blog. Mom told me that another fish bit the dust last night - not very resilient, indeed.

I am looking forward to more scintillating posts.


Clayman on Main Street said...

Now....about those fish. Sarah, you have a gift to develop with your writing skills. Riveting commentary on those mundane fish.
I may go out and shop for some.

Peter said...

Sarah is most definitely a good writer, but this post was actually written by me.