Tuesday, May 26, 2009

family at the lake memorial day weekend

cousins playing games

this is what a snake says - "no, no, no"

aunt jenny and avery sharing some fun moments

if she isn't cute, i don't know what is!

"Peep, pease you pay wif me?"


having fun with the uncles

You can tell that I spent a bit of time with the kiddos - they were a lot of fun! They are growing so unbelievably fast!
Peter and I had a great time with the family - we wish we could have stayed longer! We didn't get to go out on the lake because of the weather, but we did have fun watching movies, eating, playing games and catching up with each others' lives.
We love you Maddoxes and Hardins!


...been a while since i've been on here...

WE ARE OFFICIALLY HOMEOWNERS! We closed on the 30th of April and moved the 5th of May. We're still doing a little unpacking, and our "to do" list will probably never end, but we love our new home. We are so blessed. Thank you to everyone who helped us - especially our parents!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

House on jefferson

Okay, here is the house. We forgot to take a picture of the front but here is what it looks like plus what the neighborhood looks like:

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Bathroom off of kitchen

Dining room

looking from the dining into the living room

looking into BR#1

Bedroom with built in beds


upstairs hallway

3rd bedroom

Pet owls that live in the garage :) (jk)

(i'm so done with those owls! - so i deleted them. WARNING: IF YOU CLICK ON THIS YOU WILL SEE THOSE OWLS! sm.)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Proverbs - Who Knew?!

Our pastor will be preaching a sermon this Sunday on the book of Proverbs. I decided, therefore, to read 6 chapters a day (mon-fri) to cover it all this week, adding on the 31st chapter to either Friday or Saturday, in preparation for Sunday morning. Today I began my reading with chapter 1 (obviously) - My point in stating that is that the title of chapter 1, according to my NIV Bible is, "Prologue: Purpose and Theme."
With that in mind, the next few verses were extra enlightening as I read them - as if for the first time - as an outline for the rest of the book. As I type this out it seems a little like, "duh, Sarah," but I really never noticed it before, so I decided to blog about it. Based of the first six verses here is the "Purpose and Theme" of the book according to Solomon:
  1. attaining wisdom and discipline
  2. understand words of insight
  3. acquiring a disciplined and prudent life
  4. doing what is right and just and fair
  5. giving prudence to the simple - knowledge and discretion to the young
  6. let the wise listen and add to their learning
  7. let the discerning get guidance
And he concludes the section with verse 7 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." I'm no scholar, but from the little reading of Proverbs I have done, this seems to be the "theme" part that the NIV title was alluding to.

I don't want to be a fool. And as I read those seven little points in my list I just realize what a treasure the book of Proverbs is. We wonder and wander at life and through life - why not pay attention to the book of Proverbs for a change?!

One more thing, this wisdom, understanding, and knowledge that we are admonished to obtain is also what Solomon describes as the Lord's tools at the beginning of time,

"By wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew." (3:19-20)

I have to say that I don't know what all of the implications of that are, but it's highly intriguing to me to be in pursuit of the very things present with the Lord God as He created.

Friday, January 16, 2009


The newest edition to the Goodrich home: Mercy Kathleen Goodrich.
Kimberly and Jordan are officially a family as of January 14, 2009! Congratulations you guys!
We've been waiting and waiting for little Mercy to come - she was due the 31st of December! After weeks of patience and 2 hours of torturous labor, she finally decided to come into this world weighing in at an even 7 LBs and measuring 19 inches. Way to go Momma!
She has many aunts and uncles waiting to love on her - some are in Kentucky, Kansas and Florida, while others are away at school, and yet others, like myself, are not biologically even related, but will most definitely love her as if they were.

Even though they moved to KY after college, Peter and I have maintained a great relationship with Kimberly and Jordan since our early years at College of the Ozarks. The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful friendship.

Peter and Jordan have loved hiking and camping together as well as mulling over and over maps. They're both pretty stubborn but have sharpened each other because of it.

Kimberly and I have have been blessed with a relationship that can been quite silly sometimes, quoting particular movie lines over and over, yet so much of my spiritual growth in college happened with her and I just discussing and questioning all sorts of things, going back and forth.

(We're also secretly trying to work out an arranged marriage between at least one of each of our children...)

(at our wedding)

Kim & Jordan,
We sure do love you guys and are exceedingly happy for you and your new addition! She's beautiful! You will be wonderful parents!

Our prayer for Mercy is that she would grow up to experience her name as well as it's counterpart, grace; that she would know how deeply she is loved by those around her and more importantly by her heavenly Father. May she see her heritage of goodness, generosity, and godliness, and walk in its way.
Mercy Kathleen, "The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26).